Crème Fraîche

Recipe Date: January 13, 2020
Difficulty: Easy
Measurements: Imperial (US)

Substitute this delicious homemade crème fraîche for the more expensive commercial variety. Yield: 2 cups


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 4 tablespoons cultured buttermilk


1. Combine the cream and the buttermilk in a very clean glass container.

2. Cover with cheesecloth secured by a rubber band or a piece of plastic wrap that has been perforated with a toothpick 20 times or more.

3. Let the mixture sit at room temperature overnight or for up to two days. If you prefer a mild crème fraîche with just a bit of tang, stop the culture by refrigerating the crème fraîche after one night. If you prefer more tang, let the cream sit for one more night. Transfer to an airtight container and refrigerate.